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Tenancy contract template is make it easy the rental deal
Occupancy rate is 80-90% / year. You can maximize your income
No need to apply for difficult short-term vacation license
Less administration compare to short-time tourism rental
You don't have to pay for listings and advertisements
You don’t find proper cleaning service? The cleaning is always crucial in midterm rental business. Our cleaning service partners help Landlords to make everything done and ready in order to receive your next midterm tenant! Verified cleaning companies and staff offer monthly, weekly basis cleaning. Extra services: iron, deep cleaning, bedlinens laundry. Ask for cleaning partner’s contact at Midterm-Budapest.
Having a short-time (vacational) license is not necessary for running midterm rental, all requirements is pretty much same to long-term basis rental. A regular tenancy (lease) agreement should be signed by all tenants, regardless of how many months a lease contract takes. (2 or 6 months). The bilingual (english-hungarian) contract is being provided by Midterm-Budapest. Therefore there is no any further legal costs for Landlords. The requirement of security deposit is enclosed in each lease contract.
Expats, business professionals who are working in Budapest (long-term basis or midterm projects) Family visitors (family visit is very common, mostly on summers and Christmas season) Digital Nomads (professionals who work from home or remotely and travel frequently due to their jobs) Home seekers (people who are searching their new flat and take midterm rent meanwhile)
Midterm rental (1-9 months) is taxed just like usual long-term rentals, short-term vacation license is not condition.
Midterm rental brings 20-40% more than standard long-term rental
Due to variable energy costs, pricing is really flexible, Landlords can set price: 1) All included rate OR 2) Rental fee + utilities (based on real energy consumption)
Listing a property on Midterm-Budapest, is free! Once a verified tenant rents your property, our monthly commission is 7%+VAT. If you manage more than 10 properties, please contact us to make a special deal!
The price of the property will be proposed at a level that ensures occupancy above 85%, but it is up to the owner to decide at what price they wish to advertise and rent the property. The price can be changed at any time.
Yes! Our partner can assist you with professional photography of your apartment to ensure that you get clear and beautiful pictures in your listing. The fee of photographer varies between 15-25k Huf.
If you would like to advertise your property elsewhere, all we ask is that you inform us as soon as possible of any external bookings coming up from another platform Then we block the dates in calendar accordingly.
The most important thing is to have fast internet, kitchen should be equipped for meals and cooking, bed linen and possibly towels and washing machine.
Pictures, exact address, size of property, futher information as: parking, balcony, terrace, storage, ammenties etc.
In case of 1-6 month lease period the amount of security deposit is equal to one-mont rent fee. Beyond 6 months lease, security deposit is even higher
No worries! Calender is being updated, feel free to receive new inquiries for future
In order to achieve higher occupancy rate, like 80-85%, the reasonable pricing is crucial. In general in midterm market the rental prices are 20-40% higher than long-term basis rentals.
In short-term (Airbnb) the monthly income after having deducted maintenance, cleaning management fee, commission the income is barerly higher than midterm rental’s fee.
Általában a házközponti fűtéses ingatlanok esetén ez benne van a havidíjban amit közösen a tulajdonossal határozunk meg. Ahhoz, hogy elkerüljük a túlfogyasztást, meghatározzuk a rendeltetés szerű használatra vonatkozó kW és m3 mennyiségeket, amiket ha túllép a bérlő + költséget szükséges fizetnie. Egyéb ingatlanok esetén a bérleti díjon felül plusz +utiliti költségként tüntetjük fel, viszont ebben az esetben havi leolvasása szükséges a mérőóráknak.
Az ingatlanokat nem hirdetjük, saját adatbázisunkban helyezzük el, mely webes felületünkön böngészhető. Mivel +15 éve ezzel foglalkozunk partnereink és a keresők közvetlenül minket keresnek meg bérlőként más oldalak helyett.
A céges bérlőknek általában szükséges számlát adni, hogy az alkalmazott cége el tudja számolni lakhatását.
Phone: +36-70-605-4324