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420 EUR to 2.500 EUR

Listings in Apartment

Győr-Vidra str. 1-bedroom
720 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Nyíregyháza-Kossuth str. 1-bedroom
590 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Győr-Zrínyi str. 1-bedroom
690 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Szeged-Párizsi krt. 1-bedroom
620 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Hévíz-Erzsébet királyné str. 1-bedroom
630 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Pécs-Páfrány str. 1-bedroom
620 EUR + UTILITIES /month
Szeged-Móra str. 1-bedroom
670 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Pécs-Koller str. 1-bedroom
690 EUR +UTILITIES /month
Lehel str. 1-bedroom 19th district at metro
680 EUR + UTILITIES /month